An official document known as a work permit enables a foreign national to work while they are in Canada. Canada issues over 500,000 temporary foreign workers work licenses each year from all over the world. Many foreign nationals looking for jobs choose Canada as their top choice. Working in Canada is a fantastic first step for anyone looking to immigrate permanently.

With a few exceptions, the majority of foreign nationals need a permission to be able to work in Canada.

Majority of applicants will need a job offer from Canada that is backed up by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) before they can apply for a work permit. With some limitations however, foreign employees may apply for a work permit without an LMIA or a job offer. A recent graduate from a Canadian Designated Learning Institute (DLI) or the spouse of someone who is currently in possession of a work or study permit in Canada are two examples of this.

With that being said,  Candidates who are eligible to apply for a work permit must also satisfy the following criteria:

  • Must show their intent/readiness to leave once their work authorization expires.
  • Must Prove they have sufficient funds to support them and their family in Canada and to return home.
  • Are not inadmissible to Canada for Criminal or medical reasons.
  • Plan to work with an eligible employer.
  • Can provide any requested documents that may prove their eligibility to enter Canada.

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